Common causes for the gums that pull away periodontal disease may include inappropriate or improper brushing. The condition may appear unsightly, and can also lead to other problems dental, like bad breath or loss of teeth. The effects of receding gums can, however, be reversed with treatments available that will restore healthy gum tissue around the teeth.

Deep professional cleaning

A non – surgical way to stimulate the gum tissue to regenerate itself is a cleaning deep professional, which is also known as scraping and smoothing root. This procedure removes tartar buildup and bacteria from the surface of the teeth in the gum line, and roots below them. Scraping material involves scraping teeth and roots, while smoothing involves smoothing the surface thereof. The removal of plaque and bacteria, along with smoothing the root surfaces, allows the gum tissue is restored to itself and fits around the teeth.

Graft membrane

A method to treat receding gums developed at Tufts University involves surgically grafting a collagen membrane on an exposed root caused by receding gums. The membrane has a concentrated platelet gel added; and then soaked is the patient’s blood, which is usually taken from an arm. Adhering membrane must then join natural gums and stimulate tissue regeneration.

Soft Tissue graft

A traditional method of dealing with more serious receding gums involves soft tissue graft. This procedure removes soft tissue healthier parts of the mouth, palate and gums typically used as donor areas.

Traction oil

A natural remedy that can help reverse the effects of receding gums is oil pulling. Typically made with products such as sesame oil, involves drinking a small amount of oil and hold it against your teeth. Perform a suction action takes oil from front to behind the teeth, and continually repeat this action for a period of 10 to 20 minutes has the effect of massaging the gums. This can help stop the retraction process, reversing its effects and stimulating tissue growth in the area.