Prevent tooth sensitivity
Dental sensitivity is a problem that affects a significant proportion of the population. If this is your case, you have probably already felt pain caused by your problem of hypersensitivity, whether during the ingestion of hot or cold food, or even during brushing. As it can be manifested virtually at any time, a problem of dental hypersensitivity can be very unpleasant for those who suffer from it.
What causes hypersensitivity?
To understand this oral problem, it is important to understand the anatomy of our teeth. These are composed of 3 main layers, the enamel which is the hard and white part of our teeth, which contains the dentine and the dental pulp. Dentin is a yellowish and softer part than enamel, which is made up of thousands of small tubes, called dentinal tubules, which contain nerve endings.
When dentin is exposed, the nerve endings are stimulated and send pain signals to our brain. There are two main causes for dentin exposure, the first being the exposure of the root of our teeth, caused by gum recession. The latter can be caused by various factors, such as gum disease, poor brushing technique or inadequate dental hygiene.
The second cause of dentine exposure is tooth enamel degradation, itself caused by improper brushing technique, use of an inappropriate brush or toothpaste, bruxism (unconscious creaking of teeth during the night) or even a diet too rich in food and acidic beverages.
Choose your toothpaste
Several toothpastes for sensitive teeth are now available. These contain an ingredient that restores tooth enamel and blocks access to dentin tubules. These toothpastes must be used for a long time to prove their effectiveness, but this can vary from person to person. Ask your dentist for advice, he will tell you the best choice of toothpaste according to your condition and the affects you are looking for.
Adopt the right brushing technique
You probably know that brushing your teeth at least twice a day is important for maintaining your oral health, but did you know that using a bad brushing technique can cause twists and turns to your teeth? To your mouth. Using a hard-bristled toothbrush or brushing your teeth too vigorously can damage the enamel and cause gum recession, two factors that expose dentin and can cause hypersensitivity.
Prevent damage if you suffer from bruxism
Bruxism is the unconscious grinding of teeth during sleep. This is a habit that is greatly damaging to the enamel of your teeth. Over time, it can cause serious harm to your mouth and promote the development of hypersensitivity. If you wake up with headaches and jaw pain, talk to your dentist right away. He may advise you to wear a protective device during the night.
Limit your intake of acidic foods
Foods and beverages that are very acid soften tooth enamel and make it more likely to erode. Foods such as coffee, wine, soft drinks and citrus fruits are therefore to be consumed in limited quantities. Remember that the best way to protect your teeth and enamel is to adopt healthy oral hygiene habits. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss daily and visit your dentist regularly, this is your best weapon for preventing dental hypersensitivity.