Recommendations for the oral health of the elderly
The elderly can present many oral diseases such as caries, periodontal disease and even oral cancer, the most prominent being periodontal disease, whose inflammation or infection attacks the gums and the bone that keeps your teeth in place.
Many gastrointestinal diseases are related to the loss of teeth, studies show that the loss of teeth is associated with a state of malnutrition.
In that sense, they recommended self-care as a means to maintain the integrity of the oral cavity and a visit to the dentist every six months.
Oral hygiene techniques that include the use of the toothbrush with the softest bristles on the market, toothpastes with fluorides, the use of dental floss and mouth rinses are recommended, when it comes to caring for the elderly.
In addition, they detailed that both preventive and curative therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating as many microorganisms as possible, basically through the instruction of appropriate hygiene techniques for each patient, in combination with plaque removal therapies and deposits. Calcified, calculus (tartar) on the part of the dentist.
On the other hand, they highlighted that the older adult, in itself, suffers many changes that cause many discomfort. These changes can be the loss of alveolar bone, dental mobility, decreased taste, which cause decreased appetite and consequently weight loss and even anemia.