Most babies are born with milk teeth under their gums. Babies teeth usually begin to come out at 6 months of age, according to the American Dental Association. Baby teeth can keep coming out until 3 years old.

The age at which your baby’s teeth will appear can vary greatly from one child to another. In some rare cases, the baby’s teeth do not appear, and in fact they have not developed.

Genetic defects that affect a child’s physical development can also affect the appearance of the baby’s teeth.

The National Institutes of Health’s information service explains that babies born with program or Down syndrome may end up losing their primary teeth. Progenies is a condition in which the child’s body ages much faster than the others.

Down syndrome, medically known as trisomy of par 21, occurs when a person is born with three chromosomes instead of two in a particular section of their DNA. Science Daily reports that a mutation in a gene called PAX9 can also cause abnormalities in teeth, or even lack thereof, but it is usually a situation in which the person develops milk teeth and not adults.

Hormonal irregularities

The hormonal irregularities of the thyroid and parathyroid glands can contribute to the delay or complete absence of baby teeth, according to Medline Plus. Both glands are located in the neck and secrete hormones that control many different processes in the body, from the metabolism to the levels of certain nutrients in the blood.

Hypothyroidism or hyperparathyroidism are conditions in which your body does not generate enough of the hormones secreted by each gland. Suffering from either or both conditions, each one is different, can affect the development of the primary teeth. The parathyroid glands control the amount of vitamin D and calcium levels in the body, which is an essential component of the teeth.

A child with low levels of parathyroid hormone may not cut their baby’s teeth, develop them much later than the average age, or experience weak tooth enamel, which can increase the chances of developing tooth decay.