If you suddenly start to experience pain when you take something very cold or very hot, it means that your teeth are more sensitive than what is considered normal.

While sensitive teeth are a common cause why many people go to the dentist (dentist), here you can find more information about their causes and some of the treatments for tooth sensitivity.

The normal thing is that when you take something very cold or very hot, your teeth do not hurt. The crown of the teeth is covered by enamel; the dental cement protects the root of the teeth and the gums cover it.

However, if that protection is missing due to the causes I will list below, the external sensations can go directly to the dentin, which is under the enamel and cement. The dentin is responsible for transmitting pain and discomfort to the internal nerve of the tooth.

What is the cause of the teeth becoming sensitive?

  • Brush your teeth too hard
  • Having a cavity near the base of the gum
  • Retraction of your gums due to periodontal disease, heavy brushing or bruxism (when you squeeze or grind your teeth involuntarily as usual)
  • The use of teeth whitening products
  • Use of long-term mouth rinses because they contain acids that can worsen sensitivity

Diet with high content of acidic foods that can damage the enamel such as citrus fruits, tea and tomatoes

Some dental procedure, such as cleaning or when you put a crown. This sensitivity is temporary. In general, poor oral hygiene contributes to the formation of plaque, tartar, cavities and, consequently, the teeth can become more sensitive.

Fortunately, there is treatment for sensitive teeth. Special toothpaste for sensitive teeth is the simplest and most economical treatment. This paste covers your teeth with components that block the transmission of sensations to the nerve. But that does not happen overnight, you must use it for several weeks to get results.

If you’ve already tried using toothpaste for sensitive teeth and it still hurts every time your teeth are exposed to extreme temperatures, visit a dentist. He or she can recommend the right treatment depending on the cause of the sensitivity in your teeth.

For example, if your tooth sensitivity is due to your tooth enamel being worn, applying fluoride will help strengthen it to reduce pain. If your problem is because you grind your teeth when you sleep, a protective or splint for your teeth at night may be the solution, it will help protect your teeth from the pressure they suffer when you squeeze them. Maybe the dentist will recommend mandibular relaxation techniques as well.

If after you have tried several treatments, your teeth are still sensitive maybe the problem is in the root of your teeth. In that case, you will need a root canal treatment, better known as “Canal treatment”. That in a few words, to the nerve so you do not feel pain and discomfort when enjoying something as everyday as a cup of hot coffee or a glass of cold water.

If your teeth are causing you discomfort, it is important that you consult the dentist or dentist. There are treatments and solutions for sensitive teeth is only a matter of finding the cause.

Do not forget that brushing your teeth and flossing regularly are essential habits to have a clean mouth and avoid problems.